Epistemic Rec Team
Why write a blog with no readers? Originally the answer to this question was memory failure, boredom and a dash of spite. I conceived of the blog as a way to archive my intellectual progress, to help consolidate and remember what I was thinking and when. It was the summer of 2020 and COVID, so I had the time and I wanted to prove an asshole wrong - an asshole who correctly pointed out that I hadn't added anything substantive to online conversation surrounding RPGs. I'm still doubtful about contributing meaningfully to any sort of gaming or rationalist discourse (I would need readers and content first). Also, there are moments when I can feel the resounding irrelevance of ruminating over ideas too esoteric and already chewed. Funny thing is most of the time I enjoy writing here. Recently I read Scott Alexander's post entitled Epistemic Minor Leagues and realized I'm just doing the same thing as everyone else and probably have the same worries. That post was a response...