2020 Books
During lockdown I started reading again. Initially via audiobook while running, then later also using physical books and ebooks on my commute. Here are my thoughts on some of those books. Fire and Blood by George R. R. Martin (audiobook) This was in many ways a perfect lockdown book. Long, far from reality, emotionally distanced. Very enjoyable in that it presented dozens if hundreds of characters and paid them off one after another with enough detail that things didn't feel forced but not so much detail that everything couldn't be pieced back together into a single long narrative. A great worldbuilder's sourcebook, this felt like the kind of sweeping real world history told from a single learned person's viewpoint. I probably enjoyed this more than I would the main series as it didn't dwell overlong on any one character but packed all of the romance, drama and treachery of the series. Some less charitable would call that emotional removal dry. Warren Buffett and t...